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The Urgent-Important Matrix: A Manager's Guide to Appreciating Employees

By Tim Janssen,

published on July 19, 2024.

If you’re a manager in the fast-paced world of clinical research, you might find yourself constantly juggling a multitude of tasks. Budget oversight, document reviews, resource planning—the list seems endless and ever-growing. However, it's crucial to remember that showing appreciation to your team is not just important; it's essential. In the current high-pressure working environment, where burnout is common, paying attention to your team's well-being is vital. Ignoring the quiet signals of distress from your employees can lead to significant issues, including decreased productivity and increased turnover.

If we take a look at the Urgent-Important Matrix, we can see why it’s so easy to get buried in tasks instead of taking the time to proactively show appreciation to your team: The Urgent-Important Matrix, also known as the Eisenhower Matrix, is a time management tool that helps you prioritize tasks by urgency and importance. The matrix is divided into four quadrants:

  1. Urgent and Important: Tasks that require immediate attention and are crucial for your goals.

  2. Important but Not Urgent: Tasks that are important for your long-term goals but don't need immediate action.

  3. Urgent but Not Important: Tasks that need to be done quickly but don't significantly impact your long-term goals.

  4. Not Urgent and Not Important: Tasks that are neither urgent nor important and often serve as distractions.

By categorizing tasks into these quadrants, you can focus on what truly matters and avoid getting caught up in less important activities.

As you’ve probably already realized: showing appreciation to your team is always important, but rarely very urgent. And if it ever is urgent, you’re probably too late. Let’s make the argument why consistently reminding yourself of the importance of showing appreciation can make a significant difference in your team's overall well-being.

The Interconnected Lives of Employees

Today's employees face immense pressure to perform at high levels both at work and in their personal lives. This dual burden can make them more vulnerable to burnout, especially when personal and professional challenges collide. It's often not just the workload that triggers burnout, but a combination of factors from both spheres of life.

When employees feel appreciated, they are more motivated, engaged, and loyal. Appreciation is a powerful tool that can enhance team morale and productivity.

Striving to create a supportive work environment could help your team feel they can escape not only work-related stress but also personal issues. By showing genuine appreciation, you can make your team members feel loved and supported, helping them stay motivated even when facing challenges in their personal lives. This supportive atmosphere can be a crucial factor in preventing burnout and promoting long-term employee satisfaction.

Finding ways to remind yourself of the significance of appreciation can ensure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Consider setting regular reminders, incorporating appreciation into your 1 on 1 sit-downs, or even scheduling specific times to acknowledge your team's efforts. Making appreciation a consistent practice can help integrate it into the urgent tasks you prioritize daily. This, in turn, gives you a competitive advantage as a manager and as a company: stronger resilience in your workforce during times of adversity. This, we believe, will be essential if we, as a country, want to sustain our global dominance in clinical research.


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