about matches made in heaven
Lesley came into contact with SolCur through a former colleague: "During an initial chat with Tim, I immediately felt a click. His vision, his knowledge of the sector and his conviction that there can only be a good match if you not only fit the job but also the working environment, perfectly aligned with my expectations."
After that conversation, the move to SolCur was quick and Lesley has been working as a ClinicalProject Manager at Baxter for 1 year. With her 17 years of experience in the clinical sector – some of these, also as a consultant - she is in the ideal position to describe what makes SolCur so special: "Tim never pushes you in a direction you don't want, but helps you grow professionally and also genuinely cares about you as a person. He also manages to put together a team of consultants who click very well with each other. Like we are all on the same vibe. In my previous jobs as a consultant, team events were a struggle, here they are moments of real connection. Never boring and always full of meaning. I look forward to them every time, and that's quite something as a born introvert."
Lesley Seron - Global Medical Affairs Project Manager, Baxter